Here you will find an array of past live online presentation sessions which have been recorded.
RECORDING - Webinar: Learning from the Whorlton Hall Safeguarding Adult Review (scie.org.uk)
RECORDING - Transitional Safeguarding and Homelessness - use passcode wz1s&Tq9 to access recording.
RECORDING HourGlass World Elder Abuse Awareness Webinar
RCORDING The Sexual Abuse of Older People | Hourglass Webinar (youtube.com)
RECORDING - Tools and resources to support Making Safeguarding Personal | Research in Practice- This webinar will give you an overview of resources to support Making Safeguarding Personal in practice.
RECORDING - Trauma Informed Communities Workshop
RECORDING - Co-production in action: putting people at the heart of care and support, with a focus on people with a learning disability and autistic people, 15 November 2023 | Local Government Association
RECORDING How data can support better outcomes for people needing care and support, using Client Level Data (CLD) - SCIE

A podcast is a collection or series of digital audio files that are made available for downloading or listening via the Internet. Each individual audio recording is known as a podcast episode. Podcasts are typically hosted by an individual or individuals who lead a conversation, share stories, or report the news.