Farewell from our Independent Chair, Michelle Creed
Michelle describes how 'It has been my honour and privilege to serve as the Independent Chair for the past period and I am proud of the progress we have made as a Partnership during that time.
I have had the privilege of visiting many Partners, meeting many new people and groups within Sefton and I would like to thank them for their steadfast commitment and contributions in the delivery of the shared aims and outcomes of the SSAPB, for the people of Sefton.
We have made some real strides in relation to prevention and early Intervention and have placed emphasis on connection with communities and with individuals, to raise awareness and enhance resilience. Alongside this we have tried to demystify the very language of Adult Safeguarding that captures our commitment to support and protect people from abuse and neglect, which can itself be confusing and a barrier for many.
There is still much work to do, and I am confident that as a Partnership you will go on to achieve great things.
Once again, thank you for the valuable opportunities and memories. I wish the Board and its Partners continued success in all future endeavours'.
Sefton Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board would like to thank Michelle for her dedication, commitment and challenge to our Membership and wider communities in Sefton. We would like to wish Michelle the very best on her future endeavours.