North West Safeguarding Adults Policy
This policy has been developed by safeguarding adults boards (SABs) across the North West, to meet the requirements of the Care Act and the Department of Health Statutory Guidance. It is designed to support current good practice in adult safeguarding and outlines the arrangements which apply to the region. Local guidance and procedures specific to each local authority will be provided separately - Sefton's can be found here - Sefton Safeguarding Adults Procedures
SAR Procedure (2023)
Safeguarding Adults Review Referral Form
This form is to be completed with the details of the case you wish to refer to the Merseyside Safeguarding Adults Review Group (MSARG) for consideration of a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR). Please summarise why you feel it meets the 3 criteria for a SAR.
Safeguarding and Pressure Ulcers Sefton Guidance
This guidance has been produced to support practitioners across Sefton working with adults with care and support needs that may present with skin damage. It is based on the Department Of Health and Social Care guidance ‘Safeguarding Adults Protocol: pressure ulcers and the interface with a safeguarding enquiry (2018)’. Where pressure ulcers do occur, this guidance offers a clear process for the management of removal and reduction of harm to the individual, whilst considering whether an adult safeguarding response under s42 of Care Act 2014 is necessary.
North West PiPot Policy
This document provides an overarching policy for the North West Region which has been ratified by the North West ADASS Regional Safeguarding Group. This should be read in conjunction with local Person in a Position of Trust (PiPoT) Guidance, found here.- Sefton PiPot Practice Guidance
Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Process
This Guidance is issued following identification of numerous incidents which raised issue in relation to mental capacity, vulnerability and risk-taking behaviour in respect of adults with care and support needs.
Organisational Policy
This policy and procedure is to provide guidance and support in identification and management of concerns relating to whole service or organisational practices.
Sefton SAPB Escalation Policy 2024
A escalation policy is a formal agreement and commitment between two or more parties on a common response to specific issues, events or circumstances. The aim of this policy is to resolve professional disagreements relating to the safety of adults at risk, escalating any concerns that may arise, if issues are not viewed as being dealt with satisfactorily.
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