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Raising a Concern

Raising a Concern 

If the person you are concerned about is over the age of 18 years of age, they have care and support needs, and you feel they are being abused or at risk of abuse from another person, you can seek help for them using the phone numbers below.

To report a concern about abuse or to seek advice:                                                                                                                                                                   distressed woman on her mobile with head in her hand

Please call Sefton Council Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 0345 140 0845.

Further information can also be found on the Adult Social Care website here.

Are you a Professional wanting to report a concern?

  • You can make a referral via the Sefton Portal. Guidance on how to use the Portal can be found here.
  • In an emergency, please contact the Police: 999. If the person is not in immediate danger, contact the Police: 101.

Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

It is important that you involve the person at risk in decisions about reporting a Safeguarding Concern where possible. Sometimes this may not be possible and  you may need to act in their 'best interests' because they do not have the mental capacity to decide this for themselves. There are also occasions when you may need to report the concern without their permission, for example, it is in their vital interests, or other people are also at risk, or the person is unable to consent because of coercion or duress.

Dealing with allegations or concerns about abuse can be very difficult and distressing for all involved. Deciding what the right thing to do is can be stressful, particularly if the person you are concerned about is reluctant to accept support or someone close to you.  If you are not sure what to do you can always seek advice by contacting Sefton Council Adult Social Care Contact Centre Team on 0345 140 0845.

You can find out more about the process of raising a concern, questions you may be asked and what will happen next - here.


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